
Poetic Passage: Facing It Together

 Facing it Together I've been trying to post everyday but... it's hard to. Anyways, here's another poetic passage about friendship. Enjoy :) Popular girl Everyone's friend Friendly girl Intelligent and smart I was probably only seven.  But I thought it'd be nice to be friends with you.  But I was too shy You were so natural You attract friends Way too easily.  Gave me candy Talked to me once in a while Chatty and fun You were that popular girl I wish I could be friends with Somehow, I couldn't remember how We got closer We started talking more In 5th grade You put your arms around my shoulder And rocked back and forth You gave me tips and advice In 6th grade You were a step ahead of me Though younger You guided me Smart and intelligent Gave me the knowledge I lack Facing Middle School together  Going through the trials and tribulations together Hard assignments New things We went through it all Singing songs we love Your voice is like a nightingale   C...

Spontaneous Poetic Passage: My Sunshine

  My Sunshine Just another spontaneous poetic passage about friendship. Based on a real friend of mine. I didn't bother rhyming cuz... it's hard. So it's a "poetic passage" and not a poem. Well, anyways, enjoy :) Lovely hands Twinkling eyes Take me by the hand Bring me across the land.  Sensitive tender-hearted child A friend unlike any other  Sweet and caring Innocent heart You mourn for the dead Even though you've never met them Played with the little children Make them smile Running over the bridge Hair swishing Generated on NightCafe In the golden sunlight Ahead of me Playing music We sang along Stumbling over the lyrics. Brought me around Cheerful and joyful The joy of the class The sunshine of my heart Helpful and available Walked me through the logic equations that I could not understand Always there Always just one text away I walked in one day  Crying and heartbroken Buried my head in my arms Hiding from the world You put a hand on my shoulder  And ga...

Haiku: Fly Away

  Fly Away Fly away with me Into a world with just us No one will find us

Spontaneous Poetic Passage: Your Smile

Random Poetic Passage Sort of a poem yet not really. Written poetically. But it's not quite a poem because it doesn't rhyme. It was sort of a spontaneous burst of words and I don't feel like following poem rules. So yeah, a poem yet not a poem. Decided to try a romance one cuz... why not. They are so fun to write 😆 Don't mind the cringey lines, this was a spontaneous poem/poetic passage. If I have time I'll write a proper one. Well, anyways, enjoy:  Your Smile The day I first met you I didn't think much of you In fact I find you unappealing Until that day in August I thought I saw you looking at me a lot Maybe cuz I was I was curious You were shy  And tall That classmate was goofing around Our eyes met And you smiled.  I noticed you looking When I walk in the classroom You saw one of my crazy doodles And you smiled.  Walking up the stairs You were just gazing out the window You turned and saw me And you smiled That warm kind smile Blonde hair Sweet eyes That so...

Poetic Passage: Friends Abandon Friends

 Friends Abandon Friends      Another little poem/passage. Actually, I wrote this when I was only 12. Anyways, it's kind of short. But I suppose it's quite relatable. Sometimes it's hard to find the true friends that stick with us.  Friends abandon friends to be with other friends Friends abandon old friends to be with new friends. Friends abandon friends to be with boys Friends abandon friends to be with people similar to her Friends abandon friends that show who they are inside Friends abandon friends because of their belief Friends abandon friends to be with cool people Friends abandon friends for other things Friends abandon friends to be with other friends ~ some friends can't be trusted ~

Poem: In Our Memories Forever

  In Our Memories Forever Not everything lasts If only we are forever.  But the sun sets in the west Those happy days  Me and you laughing in the sunlight That friendly smile on your face.  We can laugh about anything and everything  I wish we can stay this way forever Wish I can stop time or something Wish the sun will never set And happiness could last forever Making memories we will never forget I suppose all good things must come to an end The sun will disappear behind the hills The light slowly fades from the land The flowers will eventually wither The leaves will fall  The wind will bitter And we'll say our goodbye.  And perhaps that's goodbye forever As the sun sets we cry The stars sing our songs of farewell  And we parted  Holding memories of a life lived well In our memories we will laugh and sing And in our happy memories we will forever dwell. 

Digital Drawing: Rainy Blessings

Rainy Blessings      Another attempt at digital drawing. *inhales* I personally think my first one was better than this one. Anyways, drew a picture of a girl holding an umbrella in the rain. Some proportions may be a bit off (i'm working on it!)      So yeah, we don't always like rainy days. (Though I know some of us do) They are annoying. We had to cancel outdoor events. We get wet. We had to stay indoors.       But rain brings good with it. It waters our plants so that they grow. And that gives us food, etc. When it rains, it seems annoying, or even bad from the surface. But it's a blessing in the long run.      What I'm trying to say is, sometimes things happen in life that appears to be absolutely terrible, annoying, or devastating. But sometimes God can use the worst of events and turn it into a blessing. The trials and challenges that appears painful from the surface can be a blessing in disguise. After all, God alw...