Spontaneous Poetic Passage: Your Smile

Random Poetic Passage

Sort of a poem yet not really. Written poetically. But it's not quite a poem because it doesn't rhyme. It was sort of a spontaneous burst of words and I don't feel like following poem rules. So yeah, a poem yet not a poem. Decided to try a romance one cuz... why not. They are so fun to write 😆
Don't mind the cringey lines, this was a spontaneous poem/poetic passage. If I have time I'll write a proper one. Well, anyways, enjoy:

 Your Smile

The day I first met you

I didn't think much of you

In fact I find you unappealing

Until that day in August

I thought I saw you looking at me a lot

Maybe cuz I was

I was curious

You were shy 

And tall

That classmate was goofing around

Our eyes met

And you smiled. 

I noticed you looking

When I walk in the classroom

You saw one of my crazy doodles

And you smiled. 

Walking up the stairs

You were just gazing out the window

You turned and saw me

And you smiled

That warm kind smile

Blonde hair

Sweet eyes

That soft gentle look

Sometimes I will see that look 

That kind and gentle smile

Soft pretty eyes

Waiting in the parking lot

Fixing my hair

You stepped out of your car

Finely dressed

Blue eyes shimmering in the sunlight

My heart might have hopped out of my chest

For a moment or two.

Our eyes met first

And you smiled 

At the dance floor

I eagerly await for an opportunity 

You came and asked me first

As I put my hand in yours

Your hand closed around mine

My hands were trembling

Why were they trembling? 

We danced as the DJ pulled up a popular song

The room went wild with cheers and screams

They fade out as we started to move

We danced not so perfectly

Not like some romantic kdrama show

Generated on NightCafe

Wrong steps

Slightly off beat

Stiff movements instead of a graceful sway



But it doesn't matter

Afterwards we laughed and talked

While the kids argue about what song to play next.

I'd occasionally see you just looking at me

Soft blue eyes.

You were leaving

Said goodbye to your friend

Looked up at me

And smiled, waving goodbye


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